Obama On Alternative Energy

President Obama talking about importance
of alternative energy sources...

Click here for complete guide

Monday, March 2, 2009

Solar energy facts and figures for home use

Here are some of the facts and figures about solar energy. (for kids and adults)

This information could also help you if you want to get cheap solar panels for your home.

Solar power can meet all requirements for a household. Right from television, computer to water heater.

How many solar panels are required
According to a survey conducted by AIES, a set of 10 solar panels are required for an average household to run following:
  • Water heater ( 5)
  • AC Refrigerator (2 )
  • Lights and bulbs (20)
  • Others
Solar energy setting up Costs
The cost of solar energy can vary from state to state. The cost to build solar panels can depend on government policies and grants.

The cost of setting up solar panels can be upto $200. (More info)

Are you considering getting solar energy for your home?
You must and should consider getting solar energy. It helps you save money and protects the environment.

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